Monday, June 15, 2015

So, I went to a neurologist today ....

Been having some problems lately.  The doctor, a real sweet middle-aged guy, was very personable, caring and apologetic - and I needed that.  We went through a lot of simple testing - and he laughed, made me laugh.

First, I only failed on seven, out of the "easy" twenty questions concerning dementia (they were actually quite difficult). Most questions dealt with numbers and short term memory.  Something, thankfully, that I can now report back to my wife, who always keeps that, reminding me thing going.

And, he checked my balance while walking across the exam room floor - all good for motorcycle ridin'.

But, he wants two different MRI's taken concerning, "cluster" headaches, aneurysm's and memory loss, just to be sure.  And, some blood work for vitamin B-12 deficiency, whatever that's worth.  All happening later this week.

Now, I'm looking forward to my next visit - and again, seeing my new buddy and my new  "professional" friend.

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