Thursday, September 27, 2012

fast food

Good for grandchildren and seniors.

(side note) My wife keeps telling me to get a job. I could happily wipe trays all day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

smoking buddy (with conversation)

My "smoking" buddy outside the Dutch Valley Restaurant.  Roger, from Germany, was talking on his cell phone to a car dealer, back in Bavaria.  He had just (excitedly) purchased three used Camaro's to export back home.

When I asked about his outfit, he explained that he had recently been to Walmart. Then, 'Herr' Roger described each piece of his new clothing. This same 'exact' outfit, he proudly told me, would have cost him triple at home.

With his heavy German accent, he then lovingly, told me how much he felt for America. And, pointing out to me what an American might say - he was now, as he put it, "on a roll".

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Urban landscape design

A new project started down the street - using our often maligned native palmetto and incorporating a contemporary Mayan courtyard.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

the waiting room

Sat waiting for over one hour in the "waiting room" while my wife visited with her doctor, all from a minor accident. Bored and looking long at the surroundings, I got a little anxious. Nothin' to do, but again bored, just kept focusing on that corner wall facing me.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

the burial

A very good spirit and sweet friend passed away this week at the age of one hundred and two years.