Thursday, May 29, 2014

the glow from the show

courtesy of Jono Miller

In the "center ring" with a few commissioners and preservation board members telling them some "long-winded" stories and a few wacky anecdotes @ the County Administration - Terrace Building. (family and friends off to the sides).

courtesy of Schimmel (Sara. Co. Historical Resources)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Melanie - a fine photographer and surprise visit.

My good friend, photographer and editor Eric Kroll, flew in yesterday from Arizona to review my exhibition for a French 'Web' publication - or so he said.  Joining him, came Melanie King and her young son Charlie.  Little did I know that Melanie is a great photographer in her own right - and also, a known nude model with Model Mayhem. Her photographic interest - portraits of family members. Good stuff.  Her last show titled,  "Jacob's Ladder" previewed in LA in 2008.

Melanie and Charlie love to swim (Eric won't) but all three found a suitable place in Siesta Village to accommodate all their needs - sun and water.

Melanie shoots with an old Rolleiflex film camera. A beautiful camera with a great reputation for great images.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I finally found Gwen, picking up some curbside trash

It was about two months ago, when I had first interviewed Gwen's husband - "Mr Whetzel" (posted on my Journal, back in March).  He was that busy caretaker over at the St. John's Cemetery along Bee Ridge Road.  Today, I finally met his wife, Gwen, dutifully picking up cigarette butts and trash along that same busy intersection, along Bee Ridge and Highway 41.  I pulled in at that newly built, next door McDonald's parking lot, just to see how she was doin'.  And, she really seemed to be perfectly happy and fine with her duties - and more than proud of her husband's care-taking work at the historic "Crocker" Graveyard next-door.  Both now, have been at it for the past 18 years.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

hands of a one hundred year old man

Several days ago, I ran into Joel quite by accident, while visiting a grave site at Sarasota Memorial Park. He asked me if I could photograph his hands.

Monday, May 12, 2014

the jukebox

The term "jukebox" came into use around 1940, derived from the familiar usage of "juke joint" - from a Gullah word "joog" - meaning disorderly, rowdy or wicked.

Today, I saw the latest technology being installed, for a Jukebox, in a tavern down the road. Rowe's NGX, their "next generation jukebox", allows for a direct play & pay through the personal use of a phone app. This technology will also allow for future large screen video synchronization.

Returned the next day for the finished product.  Rowe's / AMI "next generation".

Friday, May 9, 2014

had a good laugh ..... I needed one

My wife insisted that I go along with her to our neighborhood "Spring Fling".  She serves on several committees for our neighborhood association and had rsvp'd for the both of us.  Upon arrival, I was given my name tag - with a laugh, I proudly wore it. Though few would end talking talk with me.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

swimming naked

Forty some years ago, we used to skinny-dip as delinquents, playfully drifting down a long and winding waterway, all along an ancient river bed - called "Horse Creek", in rural DeSoto County.

This morning, I pulled over on this new bridge crossing that same creek - and looked down deep below.  Didn't see a soul, other than me, just coincidentally reflected in my mirror.

Only hours later, while just riding along, just dreaming, I soon became overwhelmed with damn swarming, incestuous "love-bugs".  Actually all were splattered - on my jacket, face, hands, helmet and motorcycle.  Again, even along that same roadside path, stopping for that one casual cigarette break, I had a small black 'racer' (normally a friendly snake) aggressively approach me, and cautiously, he struck at my boot.  Always good to be out and about, and to feel that oneness with all nature.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

our spring fall

The Seagrape leaves finally finished their fall and the branches now are budding.  But like true clockwork, the first week of every May, our two 40 foot mahogany's start their annual shed. A beautiful layer of leaves, within days, covers our ground.  All that lies under them, becomes camouflaged.  My wife's car was already out a few hours before, but now, a new final layer had begun.