Monday, June 24, 2019

Grandfather's Day

Bowling on Father's Day with my youngest grandchild, Santiago.

Now he's tired.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

hospital accommodations

All Children's Hospital; St. Pete
Not as a patient, but as an overnight family care-giver.

A welcome card, with a supplied rough-looking face cloth, nicely folded and presented.

Personally, a few long nights tossing and turning (monitors, and alarms along with the tube feedings, all with an attending, caring all-night staff). When early mornings did arrive, I found myself somehow awakened tightly wrapped, swaddled like a newborn - barely able to move my arms.

Today, taking a night's leave from the hospital and then back-up again tomorrow. Now headed home, smelling like that gently held, sweet baby, that Santiago is.

Post script; Hospitalized for nearly two weeks, "Santi" was released today (June 13th). He finally found that way, his way back home - and all, all very happy.