Thursday, February 22, 2018

a bygone winter ritual

Was a time, years ago, when most Florida families had backyard citrus trees. Most partook in an annual fruit gathering event - which provided all the seasonally fresh citrus for the taking.  Each family had either a tall ladder for the occasion or a long, big stick, kept hidden by the oldest kids.

Hard to find that same scenario anymore. But yesterday, I came across this nearly-forgotten scene, while stopped, sitting and waiting, during one of our other seasonal winter rituals - backed-up traffic.

An ancient tangerine tree (probably an early 'Dancy' variety), ripe for the picking.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

changing out a room

My wife Sandy, recently made a gargantuan decision - to change out her bedroom furniture of many years. This required a little outside help, a credit card and the removal off all existing things in her current bedroom. After a week's progress, the majority of the sorting, the daily difficult tossing - and over a hundred pairs of loose shoes - all ended, piled-up on our living room floor.  Through this, even the dog appeared a little confused.

the final pairings with a few more needed to match ....

Saturday, February 3, 2018

wheeler dealers

My local Triumph dealer (Hap's Cycle) parted ways with corporate after some 50 years of service. That left us local Triumph folk without a dealership within a 100 mile radius.  Last week, my old buddy Pete told me that a new dealer (Stu's Cycle) was arriving in his town - in Ft Myers, just 80 miles south. So, corporate Triumph sent out the big truck, the new bikes and all the sideshow.

Arrival of Triumph's 84 foot long semi, tractor-trailer in Ft Myers.

the new Bonneville 'bobber'

and for all those 'moto' men attending, even a shave was offered

My extra special, my old Bonneville pal, just recently turned 17 (now resting under it's cover).
Times might have changed but the ride remains the same.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Quartzsite (along the roadside)

From a recommendation from a couple years past, Knuckles and I stopped into Reader's Oasis Books in Quartzsite, Arizona on a whim - to meet up with Paul Winer - the "naked bookseller".  But suspected many, many other things goin' on all around, inside and out.

A rare shady outdoor spot at Reader's Oasis

Paul Winer (the "naked bookseller") with some of his visiting musical guests

If still interested, a recent NYT's article delves into the backside with just a pinch more.