Friday, January 30, 2015

an interesting phenomenon

After my last sip of morning coffee, the shut-off alarm beeped on the coffee maker, right at the time I began to read a NYT article titled: The 'New' Pleasures of Photo Printing.  It was as if the beeping had added an exclamation point.

The gist of the article was that few people today rely on viewing their photos as a print.  Where once it was synonymous - a photo was a print.  Now, the majority of the public view their own images on a screen.  The article must have been written by someone over forty, for the writer now was singing the "pleasures of photo printing".

All of this is sadly funny, because most of my friends, including my own peer group, would prefer that I email them the "link" to my recent photography exhibit, rather than just stand up - and personally view the 41 large exhibition prints there on display. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Florida Portraits exhibit

On a recent occasion, I ran into some old friends who hadn't seen me in quite awhile. And they asked, "Where's the Exhibition?"  So, for all my funny friends out there - here's an invite.  The portraits are on permanent display (permanent loan) in downtown Sarasota at the 'Terrace' (County Administration Building).  Hours are 8:30 to 4:30, Monday thru Friday - you might just enjoy it.  I know I did.

This Friday, January 23rd @ 6:00 pm, there will be a large tour of the exhibit sponsored by Friends of the Sarasota County History Center.  Commissioners will be there, families representing some of the portraits will be there - and I'll be there - talkin'.  So, everyone's invited.

(original invite)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I got an e-mail from the "Vet" today ......

and he wanted to wish me a very Happy Birthday.  I'm 6 years old.  And, I got to go for a walk.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

on a full-moon Sunday, a back road ride with my buddies

I've always stopped for a smoke, and sat on the bench, outside the "Old Miakka" General Store for probably twenty years now.  Today my friend Jimmy "Two Shells" took a photo from across the road.  From his shot, I got a little nervous seeing the pitch, the heavy leaning to the right of the whole structure, and today, noticing the porch being supported by a couple of temporary narrow wooden posts, strapped together with some rusty broken clamps.

In the future, I doubt I'll be stopping, smoking there anymore.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

festival of Iemanjá

My celebratory shrine and annual reflection for the Goddess of the Sea.  On New Years Eve, in Rio de Janeiro, thousands of Candomblé practitioners gather at the beaches dressed in white, light candles and make offerings to her, the Spirit of Moonlight - the African roots deity and saint - Iemanjá.

The family on New Year's Eve, while living in Rio in 1989.  Becca on the left, Matt with our 'offerings' in a boat soon to be launched off the beach of Copacabana, Sandy kissing Wilson - and the family all dressed in white - with me behind the camera sipping on a good bottle of Rum - Iemanjá's drink of choice.