Thursday, January 1, 2015

festival of Iemanjá

My celebratory shrine and annual reflection for the Goddess of the Sea.  On New Years Eve, in Rio de Janeiro, thousands of Candomblé practitioners gather at the beaches dressed in white, light candles and make offerings to her, the Spirit of Moonlight - the African roots deity and saint - Iemanjá.

The family on New Year's Eve, while living in Rio in 1989.  Becca on the left, Matt with our 'offerings' in a boat soon to be launched off the beach of Copacabana, Sandy kissing Wilson - and the family all dressed in white - with me behind the camera sipping on a good bottle of Rum - Iemanjá's drink of choice.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brad,
    this is a lovely picture and so "you two".

    Your old friend, Melanie
