Monday, June 26, 2023

Trans-Juglar Liver Biopsy

I love the title, this description.

"Image Guided Trans-Jugular Liver Biopsy" - A biopsy procedure that I was prepared for this morning at our local Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

In Radiology, Dr. Charles Gordon and I had a brief but friendly discussion on the image technology being used today during my initial procedural prep. An IV and electrodes were then attached. This particular biopsy is accomplished by using a catherter/scope that is inserted down through the vein of the neck and finally into the liver. Images and a sample are then taken. Lastly, anxiously, he did mentioned that I will be semi-concious.

Fentanyl (for pain).  Verseed (sedation).  Referred to as the "don't remember drug".

On entering the Operating Room, more questions for the prep-tech - and I asked for my camera. Drugs were administered, and I took a photo. 

Strapped in, I was then covered from head to toe (face covered) by a light-weight surgical sheet. Interestingly, the complete 40 minute biopsy procedure was done using the overhead adjustable Fluoroscopy screen as seen below.

A total of four-and-a-half hours from arrival to departure.



Saturday, June 17, 2023

Slide Ranch

Mill Valley. (Coastal) Marin County, California

"On the western edge of Mill Valley, Slide Ranch is a 134-acre coastal haven with an idiosyncratic heritage. Originally a 19th-century dairy farm owned by a Portuguese family, the property fell into disrepair over the years and, in 1969 was purchased by the Nature Conservancy and protected from any future commercial development .........." 



wild coastal Lupines

(June) chilly, windy and wet



Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Nicasio Valley

Cow Track Ranch  (West) Marin County, California


Holsteins, greeting at the gate



Her first Spring calf


Cow Track Ranch

Our abode, 'Guest House'

Chicken coop


Wagon barn



Old chicken 'hatch' barn


Willow (Great Pyrenees)

Bailey (Walker Hound)

Black Angus 'beef market' calves


Wesley (buckskin Quarter-Horse) getting new shoes

Rafika, a 'Blue-eyed' Quarter-horse


Severino Pezzaglia, local game warden (early 1900's)

"Spring at Cow Track Ranch" lithograph

Ranch road on leaving; a standing lone Willow with (background) coastal fog slowly rolling in.