Saturday, June 27, 2020

Once a favorite, now (historically) disappearing

Southern Washingtonia palms, at one time, lined many of our local avenues. Of those that have died off - either hit by lighting, pests or of old age - few are ever replaced. Standing above the clouds, some swaying close to 100 feet high, these select palms are capable of living twice our lifetime - up to 150 years.

A pair of Washingtonia 'robustas' along Osprey Avenue, flowering, towering in early summer.

A foursome left lining Orange Avenue

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day card ....

from Sandy.

Reminding me of those long ago journeys of forever, France, Spain and Morocco - and out there, out west in New Mexico, Utah and fiery Arizona. No father, no mother - no children present.  Alone back then, and on a favored British bike, happy.  Happy as a father's day card could be.