Thursday, January 18, 2018

sick as a dog

Started to re-organize my home office - of old paper work, files and general clutter etc - and hopefully, to toss out a good third of it.

Cleaning out the office closet area, I came across an old worn, brown-paper grocery bag filled with my Knuckle's old scripts, syringes, thermometers and topical dressings. A reminder from exactly 2 years ago when I had almost lost that dog due to a rousing, cross-country road trip, where he somewhere, somehow, picked up the near lethal fungal disease - "Valley Fever".  One year of overall medical treatment, together with the initial two weeks of critical care in a California emergency clinic - and combined, came close to $14,000 in veterinary expenses.

Today at my desk, he's still with me, and laying at my feet.  And am sure he's just as happy as I - to rid himself of those sick memories and those pills, so hard to swallow. 

Today, a happy, healthy Knuckles on his 9th birthday