Yesterday, early evening, I was referred for three more MRI's. This time around, a two and a half hour procedure with two more brain scans and an additional neck with upper chest area view. With a different focus, the sounds of the 'magnetom' equipment seemed sharper, more precise, while now looking for that disruptive pressure point located somewhere along an optic nerve.
And this time - no photos from me. Just the knowledge that my molecules were once again, being pushed around. And oddly before leaving, with my first sip of water, I experienced a totally unique taste. Difficult to describe. Should have at least photographed that cup of plain water left sitting there.
Well this morning, I woke up feeling disorientated, sluggish, as if I'd been on a drinking binge. Last night, before leaving the Center, I had asked the "technologist" about any possible cumulative effects after having 5 MRI's within several weeks. He did his best to reassure me - and instead, complimented me on how well I did on - "holding still". Being a photographer, I totally understood - and had more than complied with his wishes. I came away this time believing that now, I've become a better - and now good patient.
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