Thursday, July 11, 2019

tooth extraction

After an unsuccessful root canal, and a year later, Apicoectomy surgery, my then Endodontist recently diagnosed an ongoing problematic tooth (from his early attempted procedures) as, "having never properly healed".  So, next came the expected recommendation - the "extraction".

My new found Oral Surgeon, Dr. Peter Kaufman's office, scheduled the extraction for after Kaufman's return from holiday vacation. And funny today, when we met - that 'Dr. Kaufman' - was a dead look-a-like, a physical fit, as to my long-time buddy, the photographer, Eric Kroll. And during the extraction (both being New Yorker's with a voice) he pushed and pulled heavily, and leaned hard on top of me - so much in my face, that I felt his large chest against me with heavy, heavy breath.

After (and thankfully over) - and in return, as what I occasionally would do with my friend 'Kroll' - I slapped him hard on the back as from a good job, which made him laugh, while smiling big.

the X-Ray - (upper rear molar # 3 with the visible roots)

the 3D CT scan

Syringe with extra Novocaine, some dental probes, tools used for smoothing out the exposed bone -  foreceps and scissors for the stitches.

the pliers, 'extractors' (don't know what else to call them) that you can put your whole weight into.

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