Friday, November 30, 2018

short visit, long history

Had a remarkable visit from two out-of-state unrelated family members, related to a short-lived period of a shared relative - my close step-mother, JoAnn.

Elby and Claudia ('Wylie' family, Oklahoma) flew in quickly in and out, to share photos, to understand each others own perspective - and to clarify our own personal relationship to a very unique and extraordinary woman.  Three days over breakfast, lunch and dinner we must have shared a 100 photos and a thousand stories - all gaining new friendships.

JoAnn Wylie, Glass, Cooke, McCourtney (1925-1968) - 43 years.

A few photos from Elby (Wylie's) collection.

Oklahoma City

Missouri farm

Sarasota home

Bobby Toombs portrait (Sarasota, 1960's) - during my teenage years, a fond, rare 'surrogate' mother.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

seems; doctors more and more

My ears had been bothering me lately, they felt congested, sore with ringing.  Thought it might be allergy related, so my primary physician referred me to the noted Silverstein Institute, which specializes in - ear, nose and throat.

At the Institute, while in the reception area (and noticed again while with the nurse's assistant), accolades framed all the walls.  Finally, in Dr. Herbert Silverstein's own personal examination room, I had never seen so many displayed diplomas - three walls worth. And waiting, I even noticed on the exam room's countertop, a stack of CD's of the doctor's own jazz recordings.  Didn't know what to make of it.  At home, I might have to throw in that 'gifted' music CD, to soothe those sore ears.  Might help.

My personal "take home" folder

Sunday, November 25, 2018

those that are interested

Brexit (Briton's exit from the European Union) - today reached a major crossroad. All European member countries have given their final approval for Briton's chosen "divorce" decree.  For most of us stateside, there seems to be a general lack of interest, but it is either a step forward or backwards, for the future of European alliances.

In 1992, while photographing party leaders of Poland's then current government, during an on-going parliamentary hearing, I found - out in their Senate's hallway, a new up-and-coming political leader talking with the press - a young Donald Tusk, of Poland's KLD party.  Today Donald Tusk, president of Europe's 'European Council' and one of Europe's chief chosen negotiators, is representing all of the 27 current member countries.  Now, he's having to make some real tough decisions.

Tusk, back in 1992, when cigarettes used to help


If interested, an ongoing article .....

Friday, November 23, 2018

day after

One of Sandy's half-eaten "Martha Stewart" Harvest pies - apple, pear, and cranberry.

Sunday, November 18, 2018