Tuesday, December 15, 2015

morning labor

Made coffee twice this morning. Sandy bought me a French Press - one that said for three cups, but with that overly inflated statement, actually only makes one. The process for the second cup - reheating the kettle, rinsing out the old grinds and the additional fussing around, became the enjoyable part of a beginning new day - including an attempt to finish writing holiday cards with only one eye focused, after a prescription lens had fallen out of my reading glasses and onto the floor.

Build another fire - and about ten holiday cards to finish and post down at the bottom of the road. My true thoughts though, are for our daughter-in-law, Silvana, who started her child bearing labor last night, and was concerned without a follow-up word this morning. So, my next move is going into town and looking for a tiny screw, or a hopeful, helpful eye wear shop.

Making coffee twice this morning, seemed just about perfect.

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