Sunday, August 25, 2024

Woman's Tongue

Common name; Woman's Tongue (or Albizia Lebbeck)

Twenty some years ago, I tried my darndest to eliminate an unfamiliar sapling, weed like, as it continued to grow profusely under an old, mature, Buttonwood tree. 

The so-called 'Woman's Tongue' is a highly invasive, yet remarkable species, originating from tropical Asia and northern Australia. Named as such for its hanging dried seed pods which are often heard "rattling in the wind."

Now, and for the next several days this deciduous, mature tree will prove to be special in achieving its first ever massive bloom. I figure this Woman's Tongue must be happy. Or just maybe, someone's trying to tell me something.





Wednesday, August 21, 2024

a Guest of Honor

Sally Lucke Elkes (b. 1932)

A philanthropic arts leader, an early local mover & shaker, and a dear friend - who once, years ago, married in our home. A truly exceptional "childless cat lady" in all the good ways. 

At 92, and born during the Great Depression, Sandy and I today treated Sally to a special birthday luncheon. And Sally's birthday wish (besides her cats)?  She wanting still to have a pet fox, and only wishing today she had one to raise. A hard wish to honor.



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Mid-August; hot, humid with an early evening's cooling breeze

A potential set-up right out of a Carl Hiaasen novel.  Hiaasen's 'Bad Monkey' premiers today as an Apple TV+ release with a typical Florida backdrop - unexpected waters. 

Prepping for an evening paddle tour of Sarasota Bay.  Mysterious; hot, humid, and a little salty.

Monday, August 12, 2024

poor kids

First day; Beginning of a new school year.

With an acrimonious local School Board, creating budget cuts, causing teacher & staff shortages, some public school parents have chosen instead, to transfer their children to a newly preferred, subsidized 'charter' school. Hopefully this year, those returning back to their local public school (specially those little ones) will be able to find a few of their old pals. Poor kids.

Southside Elementary's opening day (Sarasota County schools)



 Welcome back "Panthers"


Friday, August 2, 2024


Sarasota's Circus Arts Conservatory. Always happiest at a circus venue. Even have a dedicated (perpetual) seat gifted by two loving daughters. Thank god for children.


Seats emptied, performance long over, time to go home.