I love the title, this description.
"Image Guided Trans-Jugular Liver Biopsy" - A biopsy procedure that I was prepared for this morning at our local Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
In Radiology, Dr. Charles Gordon and I had a brief but friendly discussion on the image technology being used today during my initial procedural prep. An IV and electrodes were then attached. This particular biopsy is accomplished by using a catherter/scope that is inserted down through the vein of the neck and finally into the liver. Images and a sample are then taken. Lastly, anxiously, he did mentioned that I will be semi-concious.
Fentanyl (for pain). Verseed (sedation). Referred to as the "don't remember drug".
On entering the Operating Room, more questions for the prep-tech - and I asked for my camera. Drugs were administered, and I took a photo.
Strapped in, I was then covered from head to toe (face covered) by a light-weight surgical sheet. Interestingly, the complete 40 minute biopsy procedure was done using the overhead adjustable Fluoroscopy screen as seen below.
A total of four-and-a-half hours from arrival to departure.