Saturday, September 26, 2020

For Sale; 250 + acres of agricultural land

Joshua Creek, Highway 31, Desoto County

"TONS OF POTENTIAL"  (listing agent's description in caps)

250 plus acres of prime citrus and pasture land, with an existing half-hidden partial homestead, sitting on 3000 feet of high potential, highway frontage. 

On it's northern edge, this property now listed, once bordered the infamous and sprawling G. Pierce Wood psychiatric hospital (1947-2002). With on-going claims of mistreatment and patient neglect, the State of Florida found it necessary to close G. Pierce Wood in 2002.  Not long after, the large barracks styled property was then converted to, the Desoto County Juvenile Correctional Facility (with it's own whispered past) before it was finally shuttered in 2011. 

Today, riding along on my motorbike, just south of Arcadia, this once thriving rural stretch along Hwy 31, appeared eerily abandoned and overgrown - with it's long history, soon-to-be rewritten.


Part of the original homestead now listed on the market. The listed property was recently cut-back from years of overgrowth.




Along Hwy 31 - Part store, gas station and grocery in the Joshua Creek area.  The area's one-and-only, 'Stop N Go'.



Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Forty days and Forty nights

Well, maybe not.  But it did rain for at least 4 days straight, probably 12 inches worth, as tropical storm Sally, soon to be a hurricane, lingered and sat heavy along our Gulf Coast. By the second night, I heard the outside croaking of large frogs - then by day, watched as a multitude of hibernating mushrooms quickly sprouted.

Japanese Parasol mushrooms (Parasola plicatillis)




And, what appears to be a type of Lepiota mushroom that's fond of sprouting-up amongst root systems.




Monday, September 7, 2020

Cafe in the Park

Good food, friends.

Father Brandon, with his little 5 year old Brandon 'Jr.' giving me the "click", sporting his new set of 'corn-rows'.  Brandon Sr's 'dreads' (dreadlocks), when let down are hanging now, close to his knees, "'bout 20 years worth".