Saturday, October 31, 2015

better phone reception?

Nope.  The lack of our phone, our cell service, is for the surrounding of our home's, mature trees.

The newly installed antennas, I shot on the occasion for our cellular service, is located on the mainland, about 1.5 miles away.  We were told, a new and better signal, but having to cross over Robert's Bay (the water) is a funny, corporate given, technological excuse for poor reception. I prefer the concept of our interfering residential canopy. The natural realm versus the unnatural.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

finally on the map

Today, when web sites have become more common than street addresses, I finally have one.  A quirky one - and now my new address finally exists.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

the road to Suches

My friend Pete and I set out on a five day road trip, returning to a place that I had missed and almost had forgotten. And now returning, nearly eight years later, running on those back roads to an old favorite spot - rolling by Florida's bygone citrus stands, Georgia's cotton fields, pecan groves and numerous peanut farms - we ran all the way north, to Georgia's Chattahoochee National Forest, where the Two Wheels Only Lodge (TWO) is set off beside a creek, at a crossroad, in tiny Suches, Georgia.

First night out, Alissa greeting me at the front desk.  Super 8, Newnan, GA.

Pete in the motel parking lot, watching for "bats".

Me posing, and watching for more bats.

The following afternoon, we arrived in Suches, the "valley above the clouds", where Zeb & Peyton helped take care of most of my cigarette needs. Wolf Pen Gap Country Store, Suches GA.

Boiled and slowly steamed peanuts, cooking over a open fire. Suches, GA.

The lodge at TWO where conversation begins on the front porch. Suches, GA.

Inside the dining hall where the preferred motorbikes are advertised with old signage.  TWO, Suches, GA.

The management crew in the kitchen - Skip & Mary, with their helper Libby, and two of Mary's daughters, Kianna and Kaniesha. They do it all - cook, clean and serve, and for the last two years - also built the cabins and chopped plenty of the needed fire wood.  TWO, Suches, GA.

Our sweet little cabin for the two nights.  TWO, Suches, GA.

The fire pit in the late evening was mostly motorcycle talk. But, the poor young woman I sat with for most of the evening, was in dreaded fear of a real Sasquatch after hearing a large animal's primal cry, which came up from behind the cabin, high, back up in the woods.  TWO, Suches, GA.

Heading home - Pete outside talking with his wife on his cell and getting the results from the day's Redskin's game while on speaker phone. And me, nursing a sore shoulder with a hot shower.  Best Western, Thomasville, GA.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

remembering an old friend

And so did two or three hundred other folks - all gathered and reminiscing at Frank Colson's old studio on Hillview.  Saw so many people I hadn't seen in years.  One - my old high school art teacher from 1968 and another - my first ever girlfriend, from when I was a young fourteen.

Friday, October 2, 2015

waiting for a doctor's opinion

After four hours of non-stop, strenuous, mid-day fun, while lawn bowling, I raced to my Orthopedic Surgeon's office for my follow up visit after my most recent MRI concerning the right shoulder - hoping, with all my fingers crossed, for the good news.

For some reason the exam room now looked much smaller and confined than before.

The unexpected results - I will need the rotator cuff surgery.  But, I'm not ready yet. I've got to much on my plate and would rather be bowling, riding the motorbike and driving all the way out to California with the dog.

After getting the not-so-good news.

poor night vision

My eyesight is diminishing, especially at night. Saw this building, glowing the other evening, couldn't quite make it out. So I photographed it, just so I could enlarge it - to see what I was really missing. Might have to make an appointment.