Sunday, February 23, 2014

"O brother, where art thou?"

At Sammy's Place.  My annual three day camp-out with a few new found friends.  But this year, I might have to finally retire my old Stetson, the cheap tent and a worn-out sleeping bag.

My new friends, Ginger an "apple head" chihuahua, warming herself by the fire - and the new pasture Mule - always protecting the young calves from the hungry coyotes. That new mule - the darnedest thing I've ever seen - half cow, half mule.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Okeechobee, Fla

My buddy Pete and I drove out early today, across the state - to Okeechobee.  We were getting a jump start on our annual motorcycle camp-out, on ranch land that we've camped on for over the past six years.  Three of us hauled heavy tree limbs, fire logs and old fence posts, all for the camp-fire, using a long open-bed trailer provided by our Okeechobee riding buddy and rancher friend, Jim (Fuzzy).  Between the fire ants, scorpions and the few Black Widows - we gotter' done, before noon.

Being neighborly, we offered Jim any additional help that he might need while we were there, and he said "sure".  "I got this cage that I need fitted back on the 'airboat'. Been doin' some needed mechanical work on the engine - and gotta' get her back together - so I can go giggin' for my frogs."  Well, we threw a strap over an old tree limb - while Jim, using his tractor, hauled that old cage up high enough to fit over the top of that engine - and after backing that boat in, we finally had it lowered back into her place. 

A good day of dirty work - with no emotional stress.  Our upcoming camp-out reward?  A sack full of fresh frog legs.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

the little engine that could ....

I'm so proud of this little outboard.  The first commercial engine of it's kind running on propane.  No choke for cold starts, no fuel mix, no carburetion - just always the happy guy.  Runs all day on a little canister of propane.  Usually starts on the first pull - or maybe the second or the third - but, he always starts.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I just decided to pay it, not fight it .....

Was out in California this past December, driving a rental through a small town, when I noticed a flash go off.  Looked up and realized I had just gone through a red light.  The "yellow" light seemingly lasting less than a few seconds.

So this past month, I was just waiting patiently for the "infraction" or the official paperwork to arrive.
Well dammit $495.38 - pretty steep.  After reading all my options - one being, that in lieu of payment, I could do in-kind community service @ $10.00 an hour, picking up trash for the township (in my case, payment equal to 50 hours) - or the reality of putting up a good fight - or just damn-well pay it.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

my thoughts are with Keelie today

This morning I got a call, that my niece Keelie was being taken to the hospital.  For the past month she has been staying in her home in an isolated area of Nova Scotia.  About once a week when she goes into town, she sends me emails.  Always sweet - about her love of the area, her isolated walks on a rugged coastline and occasionally - a photo or two.

A view from her window from last week, which she called "winter light".

Thursday, February 6, 2014

how to replace your home A/C (HVAC) filter

Gain access to your "air handler" .....

acquire new filter .....

remove wrapping ....

slide-out old filter & insert new one ....

throw old filter into outside trash can.