Wednesday, May 30, 2012

our postmaster

Brian is a very unique character. For fifteen years he has been our post-master in Siesta Village. His movements are that of a land tortoise - slow, methodically slow - so slow that customers that are not aware of his awarded animal nature, quickly become impatient or are just out-right and unjustly rude.

Those of us that know him, take a deep breath, relax and hand him our postal business. Those that care, he knows on a first name basis. I only hope that Brian is there for ever - as I watch his hands, with that methodical concern, move that package from the counter to the scale.

Monday, May 21, 2012

my hair-stylist

After yesterdays post below, "prospecting", I realized that I needed a touch-up. Susan has been my friend for over a hundred years and has always tried to make me look even better. She recently opened her own shop, StudioB here in Sarasota. Ya never know when you might need a great beautician - or,  just a plain simple haircut.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


My buddy "the Kid", sent me this photo of myself from today.  Lookin' to join a new MC.  Lookin' for to be a new 'prospect'.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May garden

For me and my garden, my favorite time of year. I work and fuss to get to this annual highlight. So many of my sub-tropicals vying for attention. But, my crazy focus for the past couple of years has been for the Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet) right outside my front door. This white "Suaveolens" is very suave. So much so, that I get all caught-up handling, smelling and nursing her along.

(cautionary note); "When flowers, leaves or seeds are eaten, problems such as dry mouth, muscle weakness, high blood pressure, fast pulse, difficult urination, confusion, flushed skin, fever, dilated pupils, blurred vision and constipation can occur".

My latest occurrence and excited condition. I even needed a ladder to get up to the blooms.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Poor Knuckels. He's been to the vet four times in the last 3 months. It started with a minor skin cyst - and, it's been driving' him crazy - licking and scratching. Now recommending surgery to remove it. And of course the "bucket". Dr. David Smith is the best and the sweetest guy. He truely loves his animals.

But, we're going to have to wait for some magic funds and only hope soon, down the road soon, when Knuckles will have his procedure and have that big smile again.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

back roads

Heading home after leaving a memorial celebration for a good friend, where I find myself at 1:00 am, in the piney woods of eastern Alacuha County on a moon-lit back road, with little or no direction.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The dentist and I

Now don't get crazy. Looks worse than it is. I'm the photographer and doin' well. Good teeth.